AIA 39 Critical Illnesses Insurance Plans
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Contact Details
Richtec Consultancy
Phone: 019-787 1313
No. 11-01, Jalan Mutiara Emas 2A, Taman Mount Austin, 81100 Johor Bahru, Johor
AIA 39 Critical Illnesses Insurance Plans
This critical illness insurance plan protects 39 critical illnesses and protects you until you reach the age of 70. This insurance pays only if the mentioned disease is diagnosed and whether you live for at least 15 days after your diagnosis or the covered surgery.
A lump sum payment is paid for 100% of covered amount with an exception:
The exception is for Angioplasty and Invasive treatments for Coronary Artery Disease.
10% of amount covered will be paid subject to a maximum of RM25,000 one time payment.
The plan coverage amount will be reduced by the amount paid out.
Ways to Cover
Living expenses
Top up medical expenses
Pass on to your beneficiary to use.
Malaysians between the age of 16 to 55.
Subject to underwriting requirements.
Inform us of all facts to your medical conditions
State your age correctly
The illness appears during the waiting period
Illness comes from pre-existing condition
Waiting Periods
60 Days Waiting Period
Heart Attack
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
Serious Coronary Artery Disease
Other Invasive Treatments for Coronary Artery Disease
30 Days Waiting Period
The rest of the critical illnesses on the list below
AIA 39 Critical Illness List
Brain and Nervous System
Alzheimer’s Disease / Severe Dementia
Brain Surgery
Loss of Body Senses or Muscle Functions
Loss Of Speech
Loss of Hearing or Deafness
Paralysis of Limbs
Loss of Independent Existence
Bone Marrow
Major Organ/Bone Marrow Transplant
Heart and Blood System
Surgery to Aorta
Heart Valve Surgery
Serious Coronary Artery Disease
Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
HIV Infection and AIDS
End Stage Liver Failure
Medical Conditions due to Accidents
Head Trauma
Major Burns
Other Severe Diseases
Terminal Illness
Cancer of Specified Severity and Not Covering Very Early Stage Cancer
End Stage Lung Disease
Systemic Lupus Erythematosus with Severe Kidney Complications